So, tomorrow will mark my first full week in Paraguay (june 5th 2008) I am in a costant state of information management. Every second i’m hit with new sounds, ideas, notions and thoughts. Its kind stressful but I love it.
Today, I sat around the house while my host sister Delia, she practiced her singing. She is a professional singer… I think, SOME parts of oure conversations gets lost in translation. But she is amazing. My host mom is around 75 years old. She owns a store right next to the Peace Corps training headquarters. Usually once a day I bring other volunteers there, and they end up buying something. I joke that I get commission in hard bread.
So I had my first near-death experience (“MNGO” Mommy i don’t think you should read this next Part).
My host brother asked me if I wanted to go deliver some bricks. And thinking it would be vital to my community intergration I said yes and i had nothing better to do. So, we hopped in his truck (Truck= 1975 Ford Pick-Up with no seatbelts) and drove down barrio. On the way back, THE breaks in the truck got stuck. He had to swerve of the road and onto a side street. Then he saw children at the end of THE SIDE street. So, he quickly TURNED UP a hill to slow the motion of the car. Whilst this was going on and my other host brother was getting bounced around the open back of the truck. As the car rolled to an end, my host brother mottrered his first words in English to me “oh Shit”
(8:00pm on June 7th 2008) I realize all I eat in Paraguay is Hard Bread and tea.
My host sisiter and I had a conversation about race today (June 7th 2008). She told me that some Paraguayans might be shocked when they meet me beacuase there are not a lot of blacks in the country. I told her IF I can survie rural korea, I can make in parguay.
Hi Shola:
Everyone has been asking of you. You are missed!!!
Reading your blog was just like having you here retelling your adventure.
Update a lot, Shola.
Travel blogs are the best!
my favorite quote..."if i can survive rural korea..." haha.
keep updating this so I have something to distract me at work regularly.
Hey Shola
I miss you!!! Iask your mom about you. This is best way for me to keep up with you.
Don't forget about your Auntie here in the states
Love you
Great story, Ran acroos your blog, it is very nice. good luck and God Bless.
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